On Losing Pets and Managing Impairment

It has been a tough month at our house. I wrote a couple weeks ago about losing Coal, our blind and toothless cat that inspired us with his ability to overcome whatever obstacle came before him. In previous articles about Coal, I mentioned a second cat we had adopted with him, named Big Bang (we…

Bob’s Fat and Wheezy Yoga Program for Workers' Compensation

I have long thought that the workers' compensation industry would be wise to seriously investigate the efficacy and potential benefits of alternative treatment protocols to better improve our medical outcomes. Our industry, being essentially a medical management entity, generally follows the tradition of western medicine in poo-pooing those alternative services, often considered of “eastern” origin.…

Unmonitored Workers' Comp Systems Leadeth to Temptation

“On reaching the place, he said to them, “Pray that you will not fall into temptation.” -Luke 22:40 While I firmly believe that people are largely good and honest, I recognize weakness and temptation as elements of the human condition. Former Oklahoma Congressman J.C. Watts used to quote his grandfather as saying, “Character is doing…

Rest Well My Furry Friend

Many of us love our pets. They are friends. They are family. This makes losing a cherished animal a very difficult thing; but for a variety of reasons some are harder to lose. Such was the case with our cat Coal, who passed away Thursday night. My wife and I have had numerous pets (animal…

CES2016: The Good, the Bad, and the Colossally Stupid

I've already said it, but it bears repeating. The Consumer Electronics Show held last week in Las Vegas was an overwhelming experience. A towering monument to man's innovative spirit, it is a cacophonous display of unbridled creativity. We saw the best and brightest ideas on display in Las Vegas last week; yet as the 165,000…