Tennessee Opting Out of Opt Out For This Year

Is Tennessee Opting Out of Opt Out? It appears the answer, for this year, is yes. Tennessee legislators have been considering a bill that would let employers “opt out” of the workers' compensation system in favor of alternate privately managed plans. On March 25th the House Consumer and Human Resources Subcommittee voted to defer the…

When Workplace Tragedy Should Prompt Review of Routine

After the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, one of the “quick fixes” to identified air security weaknesses was the impenetrable cockpit door.  All commercial airplanes around the world were fitted with bulletproof reinforced flight deck doors, with the theory being that preventing access to that area would be a last…

Let’s Take Another Look At That SAIF Video….

I posted a video a couple days ago that was produced by SAIF Corporation to promote proper ergonomics. Called “Go Ergo”, the video, performed in rap, is the lead off effort of an ergonomics program of the same name being promoted by the carrier. I really did not make an effort to applaud or criticize…

Tennessee Opt Out – Cut the Crap, Remove the Cap

Tennessee legislators are currently considering SB721, a bill that would allow employers to “opt out” of the traditional workers' compensation system in that state. The ramifications of this bill, however, go far beyond simply opting out for an alternative “better” plan. Instead what these lawmakers are actually considering is the creation of tiered protection plans…

IAIABC Publishes Spring Journal Featuring Burton/Wilson Point-Counterpoint Debate on Future of Workers' Comp

Last Thursday the International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions (IAIABC) released the IAIABC Spring Journal. It is a peer review publication featuring 185 pages of analysis, opinion and review for the workers’ compensation industry. I have a personal connection to this particular issue, as it contains two articles I authored as part of…

Video – Seriously, How Bad Is Your Injury, Really?

Just a very quick post today to share a highly inspirational story. Corporal Kyle Carpenter was 19 when he was severely injured serving the Marines in Afghanistan in 2010. An enemy grenade attack required nearly 40 surgeries to repair what could be repaired. This Medal of Honor recipient went on to complete the Marine Corps Marathon…

The Blurring of Opinion and News is a Problem for Workers' Comp

Outside our industry, workers’ compensation is something that historically no one liked to write about. Its technical and legislatively controlled nature, in addition to jurisdictional variations, make it difficult to comprehend “at a glance” for many. I’ve often said that people outside our industry do not understand our system or our processes, and that hurts…