Washington Bound For a Wild and Wacky Time

I am headed to Washington State today to speak at the annual conference of the Washington Self-Insurers Association. The theme for this years event is “WSIA’s Wild World of Workers’ Compensation”, and the fittingly named session I am presenting is “The Wild and Wacky World of Workers’ Compensation”. I enjoy giving this particular presentation, as…

A Twitter Project Worth Tweeting About

When I was growing up in the 1970’s, there was a local talk show on KIUP radio called “Coffee with Johnny”. Johnny was a woman who was a bit of a local celebrity, having been on the air since the 1950’s, and 5 days a week she would interview other locals about what was new…

Smart Phones and Stupid People

I can’t help but have a nagging feeling that we are losing the war. All around us the advance of technology seems to be surpassing our own human capacity to process. But that isn’t all that is happening. That capacity isn’t just stationary and being surpassed; it seems to be declining. I am afraid we…

The 24 Hour Oklahoma Opt Out Sham

I wrote earlier this week about a fall I took in front of my hotel while attending the 2015 RIMS Conference in New Orleans. Fortunately I do not believe I sustained any significant injury in that fall, and as indicated wouldn’t file a claim anyway. Nevertheless, the knowledge that protections are available to me should…

Taking a Header at RIMSfest

It certainly wasn’t what I anticipated writing about while here in New Orleans attending RIMS 2015. But again, it wasn’t something I had planned to encounter, even though the thousands of people at this largest annual international risk conference gather expressly because something like it might. I absolutely did not expect to find myself lying…

3,000,000 Reads and Off to RIMSfest

Another milestone in a momentous week, and I again pause to express thanks while simultaneously packing my bags. Last week, on or about the 19th of April, the cumulative article reads for this 45 month old blog surpassed 3 million, just in time for the annual RIMSfest Conference that looms before us.  Ok, they don’t…

Be Glad This Doctor Isn't In Your Network

There is something to be said for the United Kingdom’s Single payer socialized medicine system. It is over there and not here, and that is something to be thankful for. Also, it can really deliver a wallop when it comes to providing innovative care. I guess that is two things to be said about it.…