Initial Impressions of CES2016

For those of us, like myself, who have never before attended the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, it can be a bit overwhelming. The annual technology showcase that is held here every year is simply massive; 150,000 attendees and thousands of vendors in numerous exhibit halls across several facilities. It is ground zero for…

Pennsylvania Company Can’t Catch a (Bathroom) Break (Unpaid)

A Malvern, PA Telemarketing Company that publishes business newsletters must pay $1.75 million to thousands of employees who it forced to clock out while going to the bathroom, as well as when taking other short breaks. The federal judge who ordered the payment cited Labor Department regulations and pronouncements promoting the value of short breaks…

Merry Happy Happy Chrishannakwanadan – 2015

Bob’s now traditional holiday message, originally published 12/23/2011. It has been updated to reflect the current calendar: As I have stated here before, and as people who know me will attest, I am NOT a person who subscribes easily to the notion of political correctness. So it is with no great simplicity that I attempt…

Buffer Bamboozle Botched By Blatant Big Bozo Buffoonery

If only these boobs had been from Butte; the headline for this piece would be perfect. Alas, they were not boobs from Butte, but rather miscreants from Missoula. No worries, they still give us much to ponder. A Montana jury last week found a former janitor guilty of workers’ compensation fraud for faking a workplace…

Sometimes The Things You Don't See Impress You The Most

My wife and I volunteered again this year for Wreaths Across America, which was held Saturday at national cemeteries all across the country. This year over 700,000 wreaths were laid at the headstones of veterans who served this nation with honor. Many of them made the ultimate sacrifice on our behalf. Here in Sarasota, at…