Social Media, an Anniversary and Reflections

Later this month, September 27th, will mark the completion of 17 years as CEO of I had not given it much thought, but starting this past Sunday, my email inbox started filling with messages from business social media site LinkedIn. At first I thought they were being generated by spammers. They were largely generic;…

On A Much Needed Break This Week

Bob Wilson concluded his Keynote address to the Maine Workers’ Compensation Summit today. Tomorrow he speaks as part of the Summit “Think Tank” Closing Session. Then he is going to enjoy a few vacation days in that beautiful state. He will return to his blog next week!

A Whirlwind Conversation in Orlando

It’s Tuesday afternoon, and as I sit in the Tampa airport waiting for my flight to Bozeman, Montana, I finally have a few minutes to briefly recap the results of our Orlando Workers’ Compensation Summit meeting held last Sunday in conjunction with the Workers’ Compensation Institute Annual Conference. As many of you know, this meeting…

We've Never Been More Connected, and We've Never Been More Alone

There is a television show on the CW Network called “Supernatural”, that is currently entering its eleventh season. The show features the adventures of two brothers, Sam and Dean Winchester, as they follow their father’s footsteps as “hunters”; fighting “evil supernatural beings of many kinds including monsters, demons, and gods that roam the earth”. There…

Bob's Top Ten Signs You Should Not Take This Job

Finding a job today can be a real challenge. And finding the right fitting job may be downright impossible. Lucky for you, there are people like me willing to share our vast experience at obtaining the wrong job and help you avoid the pitfalls that many job seekers overlook. I started to cogitate on this…

A Corporate Jester Looking for His Blind Spots

Last November I was scheduled to moderate a panel at SAWCA’s All Committee Conference at Greenbrier Resort in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia. It was to be called “Things That Make Bob Go Hmmmm…”. David Langham, who was at the time SAWCA President, sent me the proposed description of the event sometime before it was…

Death by Corn Dog and Other Ridiculous Lawsuits

It’s time we take a brief respite from the herky jerky everyday world of workers’ compensation, and look at some other employment related stories that remind us how ridiculous the world in which we live, work and breathe is becoming. Actually, one of the tales we will review does relate to a death on the…

Listening to Failure While Calling in to Comcast Hell

Sometimes I miss the old phone company. Back when it was the merciless and heavily regulated Ma Bell monopoly, if a phone wasn’t working you could just report the outage and be done. Sometime in the next 12 to 24 hours it would miraculously start working again. There was usually nothing we had to do,…