Florida Workers’ Comp Rates Force Increase in Blog Cost

Well, it is official. As reported here and elsewhere, workers’ compensation rates in Florida, where my company is based, are set to rise 14.5% on December 1, 2016. This is largely the result of two court decisions, which were largely the result of some really shortsighted legislative decisions, which were largely the result of greedy…

And the Industry Waits….

Midday Wednesday there will be two reports released concerning workers’ compensation. One is from the US Department of Labor, the other from the National Academy of Social Insurance (NASI). The concept of a simultaneous release of reports is not unknown to our industry. After all, ProPublica and OSHA “simultaneously” launched negative reports on us last…

When Health Insurance Gives You the Florida Blues

I’ve been dealing with an issue this past couple weeks here in Florida that might just give a small taste of the frustration an injured worker feels when an important medical procedure is denied by the insurance carrier responsible for their claim. The irritation is centered around two distinct areas; a denial with which they…

Opt Out Decision Raises More Questions

As we reported yesterday, the Oklahoma Supreme Court declared the Opt Out system in that state unconstitutional. In the 7-2 decision the justices found that the system creates separate classes of injured worker which violated the rights of citizens in the state. The court did determine that existing claims that were being managed under opt…

Respect Diversity, Celebrate Commonality

Recently, I ran into an insurance professional at a conference. Our discussion turned to the National Conversation and this professional’s criticism of the 2016 Workers’ Compensation Summit’s lack of “diversity.” While their attitude towards the project was positive, they indicated that, looking at a roster of the attendees, that the Summit was essentially “old and white”.…