Maybe “The Word” Could Have Been “Grumpy”

NCCI just wrapped up their annual AIS Conference in Orlando Wednesday, and it is a pleasure to report that, after two years of virtual existence, they have not lost their touch for presenting a well-choreographed and impeccably timed event. In fact, NCCI AIS, which is the technical equivalent of Disneyland for workers’ compensation conferences, didn’t…

And The Presumption Hits Keep Coming – NY Considers Adding Lyme Disease to Workers’ Comp

When it comes to automatic presumptions, it has been a scary few years for employers and workers’ compensation insurers. A plethora of new laws mostly regarding first responders have been passed in recent years extending presumptions, rebuttable and otherwise, for a plethora of illnesses and ailments purportedly related to their job. The problem is, in…

Workers’ Comp and The Five(ish) Stages of Grief

The Five Stages of Grief are based on a theory developed by psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross that suggests people go through five distinct stages of grief after the loss of a loved one. The five stages are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and eventually, acceptance. While the theory was based around the loss of someone close to you, it…

Rumors of My Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

Many readers will by now know that last week we announced the planned departure from my current position here at The outpouring of comments and support has been overwhelming. Many people have wished me well via text, email, telephone, LinkedIn, and Facebook. I was traveling last week (and this one as well, actually) and…

The Impossibility of Fixing Stupid

Comedian Ron White has made a career out of telling people, “You can’t fix stupid.” And it seems that some people are destined to prove his point every single day. I found and shared a photo on Facebook the other day that certainly drives that point home. Rather than describe it for you, I can…

Post-Pandemic Actuarial Cornhole, and Other Useful Return To The Office Tricks

As the Covid pandemic continues its wind down (except for in airports and airplanes where we will apparently remain permanently masked) some companies are now looking at clearing the cobwebs in the office and returning the workforce to their respective cubicles. While many businesses, including mine, have gone virtual, some simply function better when everyone…