Relentless Automation Creep

Everyone, it seems, is talking about automation and artificial intelligence these days. The relentless cry is that “it is going to change our world”. I agree that this is going to occur. But what we don’t want to forget is that, over the last decade or more it has already happened, and we’ve barely seemed…

SnowDown 1, Blog 0

When I moved from my hometown of Durango, CO almost 33 years ago, I had no idea that I would be “out of the state” for such a tremendous length of time. A freshly minted college graduate, I headed for the Sunshine State, hoping for a few snowless winters before I would likely wind my…

SAIF Board Offers $1.7 Million For Plotkin Settlement

In what is apparently the largest settlement ever for the Oregon Department of Justice and SAIF Corporation, the SAIF Board of Directors today decided in a 4-0 vote to settle the wrongful termination lawsuit of John Plotkin. The settlement amount of $1.7 million will cover Plotkin’s lost wages and attorney’s fees. The decision was made…

SAIF Board to Meet Today Regarding Plotkin Decision

In a little under 5 hours from this writing, at 12:30PM Pacific time, the SAIF Corporation Board of Directors will meet to determine their course of action regarding last week’s bombshell court decision that reinstated John Plotkin as CEO of that company. Last Tuesday Marion County Circuit Court Judge Claudia Burton ruled that the board…

A Glimmer of Hope Found Through Stupid College Policy

I ended last week with a rant against political correctness run amok, in a story about idiots offended by a restaurant named Moby Dick’s Fish and Chips. They thought the word “Dick” was offensive. While I don’t often follow one anti-PC rant directly with another, it appears this week that is what I am about…

Don’t Be a Moby Dick

A story in Courthouse News caught my eye recently, as it highlighted the inane levels of political correctness we now see on a daily basis. It tells of a lawsuit filed against a Vancouver, BC Building Council because they blocked a restaurant chain from leasing a space in their building. A “Moby Dick’s Fish and…

Stealing Fluffy's Meds

We’ve heard all about how bad the Opioid addiction problem has become here in the United States. As a nation, we consume 99% of the world’s opioid supply, while we represent less than 5% of its total population. Prescription drug sales on the street are rampant. People are dying. Lives are being ruined. Pharmacy stocks…

What is Lost in the Debate Over Workers' Compensation Reform?

While perusing the news early this morning I came across several articles related to reforms pending or proposed in two key states. One such article was discussing potential reforms in a state dominated by a Republican governor and legislature; another was discussing a state with a Republican Governor but a legislature permanently controlled by Democrats.…