Chicago and the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab

I am headed to Chicago this morning to attend an open house at the newly named Shirley Ryan AbilityLab. It was formerly known as the The Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago (RIC) — a specialty, non-profit hospital serving patients with the most severe, complex conditions. In March, RIC officially became known as the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab, and it…

"The Word" is Adapting, and the Future is On the Docket for NCCI

NCCI CEO Bill Donnell delivered the opening address to a packed house at the Annual Issues Symposium in Orlando, FL Thursday. Donnell gave an excellent presentation, speaking about the state of the industry, and, in keeping tradition with the NCCI Annual Event, delivered “The Word”, which this year is “Adapting”. In addition to the word,…

Are We Asking the Right Questions Regarding Doctor Choice?

Last month the Workers’ Compensation Research Institute (WCRI) released a study looking at how and if claim expense is affected depending on which party gets to select the doctor. The study, in excess of 100 pages, was entitled “The Effects of Provider Choice Policies on Workers’ Compensation Costs”. The authors were WCRI Public Policy Researcher…

The Aerial Observers of Workers' Comp

A couple years back, while I was attending a conference where I was scheduled to speak, I received a generous invitation to briefly address a group of claims people who were attending CEU training in a concurrent program. The organizer had asked me to stop in and briefly discuss my company, and specifically our legislative…

Has the ABA Abandoned the First Amendment?

It is a concept that can eventually wend its way into the workers’ compensation industry, and that thought should chill you to the bone. Lawyers, whether you love ‘em or hate ‘em, are in many ways the final vanguard of protection for our rights as US citizens. They are the soldiers trained to represent and…

Kids' Chance and Major Karma, Baby

I am, to a great degree, a believer in Karma, and that things often happen for a reason. That is certainly the way I felt on Wednesday afternoon, when manna from heaven unexpectedly appeared for Kids’ Chance of Florida. I spoke Wednesday at a lunch of my local Sertoma Club, and my topic was Kids’…

Thank You for Another Best Blogs Under the Belt

We announced the winners of our 2017 Best Blogs contest yesterday afternoon. It is the second time we have run the contest, and as last year it produced some interesting results. This blog made the list once again, and while it might be suspicious that a guy who runs the company that holds the contest…