Be Comfortable With Your Weaknesses, But Know What a Weakness Is

It is rare to agree with a person’s argument when you completely differ with the underlying example they have employed in making it. That is what happened to me last week during a session at the American Bar Association Mid-Winter Conference on Workers’ Compensation in Nashville. The panel was discussing the important points of settling…

Inspirational Leaders May Negatively Influence Health of Employees: My Guys Should Live Forever

A recent study that  looked at the relationship between presenteeism, transformational leadership, and the rate of absence related to sickness, has found that “transformational” leaders who “inspire their employees and team members to perform better at work increase the risk of health complications and absence due to illness.” Well, my guys are safe. In fact, they…

Saving Judge Langham

I’ve never written a post like this, and I am violating a couple personal standards in doing so. I willingly violate them for two reasons; 1) to support a man who has earned my deepest respect, and 2) for the Florida workers’ compensation system that continues to need his service and leadership. It came to…

I Just Want Someone to Tell Me What's Happening

My wife and I spent over eight hours in our local hospital Sunday, seven of them in the emergency room. And while all the doctors, nurses, admissions personnel and transport people were skilled and friendly, the experience still served as a lesson in the frustration that can occur when “the plan” is not clear to…

Don’t Judge Me, Loser

When it comes to special days like birthdays or Valentine’s Day, I am not the best planner in the world. Fortunately, my wife is a very practical person, and that has eased my burden somewhat. For our birthdays it is not unusual for us to elect to buy things for the house, or items we…

If Drunk Driving Were Protected by the ADA

Thank God for some occasional common sense. We don’t see it often anymore, but when it does come through, we should take a moment to appreciate it. That is certainly the case with a Texas appeals court, which last week rejected a man’s claim that alcohol blood level limits for drivers discriminate against alcoholics and…