The Faces of Kids' Chance – Tuesday Edition

A Note from Bob: Welcome to Kids’ Chance Awareness Week! This week, all across America, Kids’ Chance chapters and their supporters are engaged in activities that will raise awareness of this great cause. However, it is one thing to hear about Kids’ Chance; it is quite another to meet just a few of the people…

Welcome to Kids' Chance Awareness Week 2018

Today marks the beginning of the Third Annual Kids’ Chance Awareness Week, where the workers’ compensation industry gets to pull out all the stops to make everyone aware of this terrific organization. Awareness Week will run through November 16th, and if all goes well you will receive numerous reminders from varied sources that the program…

Another Recap of the Week's Absurd, and a Bit More

Well, it has been another banner week in the news. This week saw the culmination of the latest and greatest “most important election in our lifetime,” one that had just a couple eyebrow raising moments. A man ignored a robbery in progress at a convenience store in order to buy snack chips. Yet another person…

Stripping Stripper Benefits

In the era of corporate belt tightening and more rigid policies that are a result of the #MeToo movement, it was bound to happen eventually. It is a perfect storm for benefit reduction, and this one will really hit most Americans right where they live. Or where they might like to live. Whichever. It appears…

This Election Cycle, All Eyes Are on The Dead Guy

In this ramped up, amped up, clamped up billion-dollar special interest and partisan fueled drama of a mid-term election, there is one race in Nevada that definitely deserved our attention. It isn’t because the winner of Nevada’s 36th Assembly District, an area of desert that stretches from Utah to California, was a Libertarian turned Republican.…

A Recap of the Week's Absurd

Well, it has been an interesting week in the news. We learned that people who drink their coffee black have a higher chance of being psychopaths. A drunk baggage handler took an unexpected flight to Chicago when he passed out in the cargo hold of an American Airlines jet. A half-naked woman fell through the…

Male Stripper Loses Damages Suit Over Rear End Injury

Welcome to what will undoubtedly be the most read article I have posted in some time. To be fair, the title of the article that originally caught my eye read, “Male Stripper Loses Damages Claim Over Rear-Ending Injury, ” but I probably clicked on that link with the same tawdry imagination and giddy interest in…

Workplace Violence at the Ends of the Earth

I was in Boise, Idaho, last week, where I spoke on “Workplace Violence” at the annual Workers’ Compensation Seminar produced by the Idaho Industrial Commission. I think it went well in the sense that no one threw anything at me. Any presentation on workplace violence that doesn’t turn into a real-life example of workplace violence…

Things That Make Me Go Hmmm at SAWCA in Colorado Springs

This year’s All Committee Conference for the Southern Association of Workers’ Compensation Administrators (SAWCA) is scheduled for November 13 – 16, 2018, in Colorado Springs, CO. The event “represents an opportunity for state regulators from 22 jurisdictions across the ‘south’ & industry professionals across the nation to discuss the hottest issues facing workers’ comp.” Of course, we’ve…