Editors Note: This missive has run the last two year’s to encourage involvement in the Best Blogs Contest. Because it worked so well then, and because Bob is essentially a lazy good-for-nothing sloth, it runs again this year. It has been updated to reflect current statistics. Greetings, fellow bloggers. I do not know if you…
IAIABC and the Russian Recovery Collusion Illusion
Right off the bat we need to clarify that, while this story is about the IAIABC, Russians and recovery, there really is no collusion; except for a small group who traveled to the United States to share their story regarding Russia’s social welfare systems. It’s just that, in the media, you cannot write the word…
Coming Out in Support of Universal Basic Income
This may surprise many of you, but I have come to believe that the concept of Universal Basic Income (UBI), where everyone is guaranteed a basic income regardless of what they do, is an idea whose time has come. It just makes too much sense to ignore. Proponents of the idea have long argued that…
Should Legislative Reform Be Left Only to Attorneys?
Recent events in Alabama should serve to remind us that workers’ compensation works best when balanced across the multitude of interests that are affected by it. The failure of efforts from a task force that proposed legislative reforms in that state may be due to broader influences than what has been previously discussed. Birmingham attorney…
A Breakdown on the Wind Breaking, Bum Thrusting, Bullying Boss
Some people have jobs that stink, while others have a job that, well, really stinks. And the resulting lawsuit form a truly stinky job is another warning for employers everywhere. A Melbourne, Australia engineer is claiming his supervisor bullied him by repeatedly farting on him as well as “thrusting his bum” at him on numerous occasions. His…
The Clock is Ticking: Nominate Someone for Comp Laude® Today
There are just 7 days left for nominations for the 2019 Comp Laude® Awards. If you know of someone who is making a positive impact both for the workers’ compensation industry and the lives of injured workers, their name must be submitted by March 31, 2019. The Comp Laude® Awards recognize exceptional individuals within the…
For Ohio BWC, Headline Accuracy Matters
As a publisher of news content, I appreciate the challenges of getting content out in a relative and timely manner. I understand that the author of the article may not be the one who selects its headline or title. But I also think that journalists have the obligation to get the story right, and that…
Boning up For Best Blogs 2019
Our annual Best Blogs Contest is once again just around the corner, and I suppose I better start tidying up around here if I want to be part of it. Launched in 2016, the WorkersCompensation.com Best Blogs Contest is a program recognizing blogs that provide excellent information and entertainment for the industry. I suppose I…
Tennessee Sausage Strategy is Something to Emulate
The forming of policy, regulations and law in the world of workers’ compensation can be an intricate process. No matter the area of the law, they say that the making of regulatory and legislative content is like the making of sausage. You never want to see how it’s done. Or do we? My recent experiences…
Attitude is Everything, Even When It's Not
I spent this past weekend in the Four Corners area of Colorado and New Mexico, visiting my 99-year-old father. He unfortunately took a fall in early January, and while his injury, a broken coccyx, would’ve been painful but relatively minor in a younger person, it set off a cascade of events that have affected him…