The Great First Responder Compensability Race

There are those in the field of Philosophy that will tell you that the “slippery slope” argument is not an acceptable one. In fact, in the arena of Formal Logic it is referred to as the “Slippery Slope Fallacy” and any reasoning that attempts to use it is declared to be invalid.  I suspect those…

The Southwest Culture Connection

I’m headed to Dallas this morning for another conference; but one that is entirely different than the others I attend during the year. This one is called the “Southwest Culture Connection,” being held in the corporate headquarters of Southwest Airlines at Dallas’ Love Field. The program promises “a rare opportunity to experience one of the…

On Missing Mental Health Day Every Day

October 10th was Mental Health Day and I completely missed it. I am so bummed. I didn’t even get the decorations out in time this year. It’s ok, though. We’re in workers’ comp, and mental health is something we routinely overlook. Nancy Grover wrote a great article last week regarding Mental Health Day and the impact…

Death by Exploding Porta Potty

First came the explosion that rocked a quiet neighborhood. Firefighters were called, who arrived to find a structure fully engulfed in flames. It was only after the fire was extinguished that they discovered an inhabitant in the structure who had perished in the fire. They didn’t have to look far; the structure, after all, was…