Will Virginia Join the First Responder Presumption Parade?

This past December, findings of a Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission (JLARC) study that reviewed Virginia’s Workers’ Compensation System and Disease Presumptions was released. To no one’s surprise, the study found that “too often information about workers compensation is unclear, confessing that recommendations and several changes should be made to the current laws.” It also…

Stupid Questions Might Make Me A Wealthy Man

A story has gone viral this week about a restaurant in Denver, Colorado that charged a customer .38 cents for asking a stupid question. The patron posted a copy of his bill from Tom’s Diner online, which reads, “1 Side Mashed Potatoes $2.99, 1 Chick Tenders Basket $9.00, 1 Stupid Question $0.38.” The restaurant points out that…

FedEx Glitter Bomber – You Should Get Your Money Back

I received an unexpected “gift” two days before Christmas. FedEx delivered a package to me that turned out to be a “glitter bomb.” A glitter bomb is an unlabeled and innocuous looking device that is designed to expel large quantities of glitter across a room when opened. This particular glitter bomb was sent by a…

Happy 100th Birthday, Dad

I flew into Albuquerque, NM last night, and today (probably while you read this) am making the 3+ hour drive to Farmington in the Four Corners area. It is a very special day, as it is my father’s 100th birthday. Most of the family is making the trek to help him mark the occasion. Tomorrow…

Stress Isn't Everything It Is Cracked Up To Be

FJ Thomas wrote an article on our site the other day recapping findings of a United Health Care study that told us Americans are getting fatter and becoming more stressed. I appreciate my own health insurance company deploying impeccable timing with that warm and cheery holiday message. I’m just kidding. Personally, I was just happy to…

State of Confusion: You Just Can't Make This Stuff Up

My company deals with a massive amount of workers’ compensation information. Between news, statutes, regulations, forms, court decisions, legislative and rule changes, there is plenty to keep us busy. Many people are not aware of it, but between our (shameless plug) online claims compliance and research library, our forms auto-population and management systems, our Virtual…

Bowling for Workers' Comp Dollars

Quite often here in the Cluttered Desk we relay stories of abject stupidity, either for an action that caused a needless injury, a legislative effort that makes no sense, or a court decision that boggles the mind. Today, however, our story includes none of that. It simply discusses an injury and subsequent court decision that…