During COVID Crisis, Tech and the Trades Have Time to Shine

Contrary to popular belief, despite the almost instantaneous cessation of normalcy caused by the Coronavirus outbreak, the world is still turning. Things are still being done. And the importance of certain areas and services really start to show through. There has been a tremendous amount of coverage on the heroes of the front line, the…

Lying About Coronavirus: Ignorance is Alive and Well

We can all agree that lying is wrong. We could also probably agree that lying at a time of international crisis would be truly ill advised. Especially if that lie was about having Coronavirus – so that you could take the day off work. Yet, in the midst of the pandemic, stories are arising that…

End of Days, Part 4: Evil Whines While Goodness Shines

There is a saying, often attributed to radical author Saul Alinsky, but which can be traced to other sources including Winston Churchill. It is, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” It is a maxim that often seems to get deployed whenever any tragedy or conflict arises. It is not a concept employed just…

End of Days, Part 3: We Could Do Without the Idiocy

If we’ve learned anything this week, it is this: As a society overall, we really aren’t very prepared to handle a major crisis. Don’t get me wrong, there have been many people acting responsibly over the last few weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic. There have been outstanding stories of noble human behavior and compassionate kindness…