Is California’s Prop 22 a Blueprint for the Future?

Last November the residents of California told the state, by a fairly substantial margin, to keep their labor employment law mittens off of rideshare gig workers. Proposition 22, designed to “define app-based transportation (rideshare) and delivery drivers as independent contractors and adopt labor and wage policies specific to app-based drivers and companies,” passed with a…

Learning Much About the COVID Vaccine (and Stuff)

We pre-recorded our Hot Seat Webinar yesterday afternoon. Entitled “I’ve Got You Under My Skin, So Hit Me With Your Best Shot In The Dark – An Ode to COVID Vaccination Liabilities”, it will be webcast tomorrow at 1:00 PM eastern time. All Hot Seats prior to this have been live events, but due to…

Making the World Go 'Round in Mysterious Ways

I think that those of us in the workers’ compensation industry sometimes forget just how vital it is to the health and vitality of the US economy. The vast majority of the 156 million workers in this nation (2019 stats) perform their duties while covered by an occupational protection policy or program. Yet, for both…

Bob's Top Ten Predictions for 2021

From time to time over the years, I have pulled out my prognosticative pen and scribed what I believed were 10 events most likely to occur in the year laid out before us. History has not been kind to these efforts. The reality is, I suck at prognostication. I have been wrong far more than…

Workers' Comp, Now You're Cooking with Induction

We recently went through a complete kitchen remodel. It was a comprehensive project that stripped the kitchen to the studs in places and included tearing out and replacing 600 square feet of tile: both in the kitchen and adjacent areas. It was a delightful affair that left my wife and I, along with our two…