In the Legislative Silly Season, California Leads the Way

It is Spring across the nation. The season’s many familiar rituals, like flowers in the field, are in full bloom. Foliage is turning green, birds are singing, bees are humming, and State Legislatures are getting down to the task once again of “fixing” their workers’ comp system.  It is an annual event that strikes hope…

Forget Oil, Prune Juice is the New Black Gold

Perhaps, given the benefit of hindsight, I was a tad over-optimistic in regard to my recovery timeline. I realize now that people who undergo a total knee replacement are unlikely to be performing somersaults on the pool deck just a few days after the fact. Now, I really did not expect to be performing somersaults,…

A Post Written on Opioids

Editors Note: Bob is in the hospital following a planned surgical procedure. Being the trooper that he is, he insisted on posting despite the fog of painkillers. Frankly, we believe it is the most salient article he has provided in some time. _________________________________________________________  The fire raced down along the pickle juice. The cat may be brown,…

Transitioning to Better Communication

There is a webinar later today, being produced by The Transitions, that will be focused on “Reimagining the Communication Model” that we use in the workers’ compensation industry. I am pleased to be one of the speakers, along with Dr. Lisa Fitzpatrick, Greg Hamlin, and Todd Thams. It will be moderated by Dr. Claire Muselman. It…

Zoom Boom Gloom and Doom

According to a brief article that crossed the Cluttered Desk this morning, we as a nation are beginning to suffer “Zoom Fatigue.” Apparently, all this video conferencing is wearing us down and making us yearn for nappy time. I wonder if this work-based exhaustion would be compensable under workers’ compensation. We’re probably all too tired…

Going Gaga Over Lady's Dogs

You might have missed it last week, but the world ended. Don’t worry if that slipped your notice, everyone else missed it, too. They were instead all consumed with the violent abduction of Lady Gaga’s dogs. In case you were in a coma, two of Lady Gaga’s French Bulldogs, Koji and Gustav, were brazenly abducted…

Getting Cheeky Over Buttock Spasms

There is nothing funny about buttock spasms. Nothing at all. So, why I am chortling? I really can’t tell you. I would suspect it is due to my deep understanding of the human psyche, juxtaposed with the irony of a unique malady that is rarely the topic of discussion within the workers’ compensation community. Or…