There has been discussion of late about preparing for and managing the generational shift in the workers’ compensation workforce. There is no doubt we have a looming loss of institutional knowledge on the road ahead. The industry is on average staffed by people who are on the backside of their careers and looking at retirement…
Take Me Home Country Road (Or At Least Get Me to Roanoke)
If there is one thing that is consistent across a multitude of situations, it is the need for clear and concise communication. It is important in just about any circumstance, be it workers’ compensation or corporate travel. And in this case, it is the latter that serves to prove the invaluable worth of accurate information.…
Tropical Storm Elsa and the Benefit of a Pandemic
Many things have changed over the course of the last 17 months or so. While many both within and outside the workers’ compensation industry have faced hardship and challenge, we will in retrospect find some positive things that emerged from the maelstrom of the Covid pandemic. Today, Tropical Storm Elsa provides us with one such…
Arguing With Technology
Last week we wrote about being lectured by technology, with the general feeling that there is nothing worse than having technology talk down to you. We were wrong. There is something worse. It is having technology stymie your progress, or, even worse, argue with you about what you know to be right. While we have been…
Resurgence in Return to Work Offers Ample REWARDS for Workers' Recovery
When I first joined the workers’ compensation industry more than two decades ago, the concept of “return to work” was already in the process of waning. It might be better described as a full-on retreat. Retraining programs and vocational services were being cut. Second Injury Funds were rapidly becoming nothing but a memory. The shift…
Getting Lectured by Technology
No one really likes change, and that is particularly true of the workers’ compensation industry and its challenged relationship with technology adoption. The pandemic did much to remove barriers and accelerate technological change in the industry, but much opportunity remains. Systems are available that will tell claims professionals what must be done, and when. Processes…
What is the True Cost of a $7 Lab Bill?
In January of this year, I had lab work performed as part of a follow-up to a physical exam. It was nothing out of the ordinary and represented a series of blood tests ordered by my doctor. I had the tests, attended my doctor’s follow-up appointment and that was that. I did not think much…
Another Manure Pit Death Reminds Us That Farming Jobs Can Stink
We’ve written it before. A manure pit death is a crappy way to die. In fact, we have discussed such an event two times prior in this blog. Searching our news system, you will find the word “manure” appears in 4 Cluttered Desk articles over the years. I know, I thought it would be more…
Workplace Explosive Diarrhea Outbreak Isn't Funny. Or Is It?
It has been a while since a story hit the Cluttered Desk that so aligns with the reputation and mission of this blog. After all, we cut our teeth here talking about the things others just didn’t have the temerity to address. Either that or those others are just a lot smarter than I am.…
When a Denial of Happy Meal Turns Into Crappy Deal
No one ever said dealing with John Q. Public was easy. And there are no guarantees that John Public will get what they want, nor be happy with the results. But when Mr. Public (or Ms., even though this specific incident involves a Mr.) threatens to kill everyone in the room, it may be a…