Beware the Door to Door Breast Examiner

Today I provide a vital public service, so pay attention. It is a health related warning, and this is important; your safety and security just might be at risk. If an 81 year old man knocks on your door, claims to be a doctor, and offers you a free breast exam, proceed with extreme caution.…

What Clown on a Unicycle? Cell Phone Ban for Commercial Drivers a Good Thing; Private Companies To Follow?

Kevin Connors and Mike Fish, both attorneys with the National Workers Compensation Defense Network, have been very active online this week, informing people of a new regulation handed down by the federal government banning the use of cell phones by interstate commercial drivers. According to Fish's Alabama Workers' Comp Blawg, “The Federal Motor Carrier Safety…

Good News, You're Not the Turkey. A Thanksgiving Message

We work in a tough industry. Misunderstood by most and resented by many, we toil on in a “mandated industry” – one that few outsiders love, but even fewer could live without. To many employers, particularly those without large professional support systems, workers' comp is a necessary evil. The law says they have to have…

Let Me Be Blunt: Sandy Got Screwed in North Dakota

I did not know Kangaroos were native to North Dakota, but reading about their court system has convinced me otherwise. (Alternate opening line: Hey, I found out where GEICO goes to film those caveman commercials!) Some may refer to it as "North Dakota justice"; but I would not use the word justice to describe what…

The Best Job You've Ever Had In Workers' Comp…

An interesting topic has been posted on our LinkedIn Discussion Group, the Workers' Compensation Roundtable, by Becki Shafer of Amaxx Risk Solutions. She has posted a thread entitled “Tell Us About the Best Job You Have Ever Had. (in this field)”. I think it is a great topic, and wanted to share it with you…

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way From The Forum….

I am heading home from Las Vegas after the National Workers’ Compensation Conference, and had an interesting experience on the leg into Houston. In honor of Veterans Day, a flight attendant made a long dedication to current and former veterans, and as part of her presentation, asked that all passengers remain seated when we arrive…

Defusing The Violent Mind: A Look At Workplace Violence

Bruce Blythe makes his living talking angry people down. Not off the ledge, or from the bridge, but from the potential to inflict harm on their bosses and co-workers. Blythe, Chairman of Crisis Management International, shared much of his insight on the topic to attendees during a session today at the National Workers’ Compensation and…

I Saw The Future Of Workers' Comp Today

We wanted panelists that could provide great info in a plain spoken manner, and tech companies to show us some of the greatest technologies just now coming to market. We were not disappointed. I saw the future of workers’ comp today.  Today’s pre-conference session at the National Workers’ Compensation and Disability Conference was an eye…