10 Myths and Facts About Workers’ Compensation

The LexisNexis Workers' Compensation Law Community and the award-winning blog Work Comp Roundup have teamed up to present some common myths and facts about workers' compensation. Published yesterday, the article contains conributions from 10 different industry professionals, and is an interesting cross section of views about important topics in workers’ comp. I was honored to…

Bob’s Top 10 Predictions for 2012

I have been noticing that many writers, pundits and experts in the workers' compensation arena have been issuing their predictions for the New Year, in the form of a “Top Ten” list or similar variant. I am not sure why it is always ten items, but it is. Perhaps it is a union rule I…

Merry Happy Happy Chrishannakwanadan

As I have stated here before, and as people who know me will attest, I am NOT a person who subscribes easily to the notion of political correctness. So it is with no great simplicity that I attempt to wish you well within what has become a highly contentious topic. Personally, I am a “Merry…

A Manure Pit is a Crappy Place to Die

This may not be a surprise for some within our industry, but it was a shock for me. Manure pits, common on livestock farms where they help make cleaning of livestock buildings easier, can be a very deadly place indeed. And not only can they be deadly, but they often cause multiple deaths in a…

Friends of Sandy Blunt Group Opens on LinkedIn

A new group dedicated to supporting the cause of Sandy Blunt is now open on the business networking site LinkedIn.com. “Friends of Sandy Blunt” is a subgroup of the popular Workers' Compensation Roundtable, and is, in the words of Joe Paduda, the “idea man” behind the group, “a virtual gathering of like-minded intelligent and insightful…

Workers' Comp Costs in the Top Ten States for Business

Forbes has posted their “Top ten states for business” for 2011. They made their selections based on six primary categories; “costs, labor supply, regulatory environment, economic climate, growth prospects and quality of life. Business costs, which include labor, energy and taxes, were given the greatest weight.” I thought it might be interesting to compare the…

An Apology to Our Customers and Friends

Yesterday, the backbone internet provider to our primary Network Operations Center (NOC) in Minneapolis, MN, experienced extensive technical malfunctions. This resulted in a service outage for that NOC for much of the day. While several of our services, including FlashForm SSL, CompGuide XML and our corporate email system, remained largely operable through our Dallas NOC,…