Letting the Fox Manage the Henhouse: Florida’s Physician Dispensing Bill is a Bridge Not Far Enough

There is much discussion around the nation surrounding the topic of prescriptions and their related costs within the workers' compensation industry. Of all the issues, none has as simple and clear a solution as those surrounding the process of physician dispensing. That solution? Don't  allow physicians to fulfill their own prescriptions. Problem solved – but…

An Open Letter To The Press, Business Community And People Of North Dakota Regarding Sandy Blunt

Editors Note: This letter was distributed this morning to hundreds of workers’ compensation professionals, business people and government representatives in North Dakota, as well as major media outlets across the nation. An open letter to the press, business community and people of North Dakota: The authors of this letter are journalists, columnists, bloggers and content…

Opposing SOPA and PIPA Without "Going Dark"

Wednesday there was a fairly impressive display of solidarity and influence by a collection of web based entities opposing the proposed SOPA and PIPA legislation that is moving through Congress at this time. Many websites, including Wikipedia, went “dark” for the day, signaling their opposition to this particular legislation. Google's response was, in my view,…