Arguing With Technology

Last week we wrote about being lectured by technology, with the general feeling that there is nothing worse than having technology talk down to you. We were wrong. There is something worse. It is having technology stymie your progress, or, even worse, argue with you about what you know to be right.  While we have been…

Getting Lectured by Technology

No one really likes change, and that is particularly true of the workers’ compensation industry and its challenged relationship with technology adoption. The pandemic did much to remove barriers and accelerate technological change in the industry, but much opportunity remains. Systems are available that will tell claims professionals what must be done, and when. Processes…

What is the True Cost of a $7 Lab Bill?

In January of this year, I had lab work performed as part of a follow-up to a physical exam. It was nothing out of the ordinary and represented a series of blood tests ordered by my doctor. I had the tests, attended my doctor’s follow-up appointment and that was that. I did not think much…

When a Denial of Happy Meal Turns Into Crappy Deal

No one ever said dealing with John Q. Public was easy. And there are no guarantees that John Public will get what they want, nor be happy with the results. But when Mr. Public (or Ms., even though this specific incident involves a Mr.) threatens to kill everyone in the room, it may be a…

Gambling That the Wheels of Justice Turn Slowly Is a Pretty Safe Bet

Blogger and Larson’s co-author Thomas Robinson wrote yesterday in his blog about a case where a New York Appellate Court upheld a decision to stop indemnity benefits to an injured worker because he had failed to report gambling income while receiving workers’ compensation payments. Robinson, in his usual form, does an excellent job of outlining the…

It's Scholarship Season. Time to Help Kids in Your Care.

It is that time of year when newly minted high school grads looking to the fall with grand ideas and great hope are preparing to embark on the adventure of higher education. A future awaits these kids; a future that offers potential stability and success for the lives that await them.  Now, if they could…