Welcoming Terry Bogyo to the Blogwire

I would like to take a quick moment to welcome a new contributor to our Workers’ Comp Blogwire, Mr. Terry Bogyo. Terry is the Director of Corporate Planning and Development for WorkSafeBC. His current responsibilities include environmental scanning, strategic planning and inter-jurisdictional comparisons. He joined the organization in 1980 as a Vocational Rehabilitation Consultant. Over…

Yes Virginia, There Is A Sanity Clause

Although I would occasionally write an article or opinion piece for our website over the years, it was not until August of last year that I “officially” opened my own blog, “From Bob's Cluttered Desk”.  It is hard to believe that it has only been nine months. Over that short time I have poked fun…

Joe, It Takes a Darwinian Village Idiot

When I first read the recent post from my friend Joe Paduda entitled “Missouri’s Resident Idiot”, I just automatically assumed that he was lashing out at that state’s legislature inducting native son Rush Limbaugh to the honored “Hall of Famous Missourians”. After all, Limbaugh and his beliefs don’t really reside within Paduda’s wheelhouse, as it were.…

Illinois Award for Repetitive Walking Got Me to Thinking…..

I read today about an award issued in March by the Illinois Workers' Compensation Commission granting benefits to a state worker for a condition associated with “repetitive walking”, and it got me to thinking. The claim, from an employee of the Menard Correctional Center, a veritable claim factory in its own right, was awarded benefits…

Return To Work Roundtable Opens on LinkedIn

Recently the managers of the Workers' Compensation Roundtable on LinkedIn asked the membership what kind of subgroups they would like to see added the group. We received excellent suggestions, and are pleased to announce that the first new subgroup from this discussion is now available. The Return to Work Roundtable is now up and running…