It is time for a true confession. I am a committed fan of one of the best kept conference secrets in our industry. I am a giant AASCIFFER. As regular readers will know, I spent last week at the annual AASCIF (pronounced ass-kiff) conference, AASCIF 2012. It was the fourth one I have attended. AASCIF…

Obesity: A Big Fat Problem We Must Weigh In On

The most telling part of Todd Whitthorne’s presentation at AASCIF 2012 in Portland this week was not what he said. It was the empty chairs to which he said it. Whitthorne, CEO of the Cooper Center in Texas, was there to describe why corporate America cannot afford to ignore the impact of increasing obesity and…

Defining the Difference Between Permanent and Surmountable Disability

I’ve written a bit recently regarding the disability dependency that seems to be strengthening its hold on our nation. I’ve expressed my viewpoint that “total disability” is often more a mental creation than a physical limitation. I’ve given my opinions on understanding the alternative realities of the total disability state of mind. Nothing I could…

Flying High at AASCIF 2012

Truth be told, I wanted to title this article “Getting High with State Fund CEO’s”, but as best as I could tell, only one state fund CEO showed up to this event. Doesn’t seem fair to stick one poor schmo with that reputation. Nevertheless, it was a great way to start a conference.  Sunday morning,…

Knocking Politicians Goofy in Oklahoma Workers Comp Case

I must say, politicians in Oklahoma are giving me some very juicy quotes of late. Last week I got to opine on a gun law that was apparently needed in that state because a wild turkey scared a state Senator. This week I learned of interesting testimony a state representative provided while attempting to get…

A Little Hair of the Dog X-ray That Bit You…..

The doctor looked at the X-ray his patient, who had been injured in a car accident, had provided. He did what good doctors should do. He explained the X-ray, and the various bones it showed. He showed her the hip joint, and asked several questions about her injury. But the doctor also did a couple…