Sorry, Joe. We're Better Than This

Blogger and Health Consultant Joe Paduda issued a scathing and profanity-laced post two days ago directed at the people in this nation who have not been vaccinated against the Covid-19 virus. If you are reading this and have chosen not to be vaccinated, you are, according to Paduda, an idiot or an asshole, depending on…

WCI Announces Puppy & Kitten Cuddle Zone – My Conference Plans Are Set

The Workers’ Compensation Institute announced this week that they will offer a “stress reduction” Puppy & Kitten Cuddle Zone at their annual Workers’ Compensation Education Conference in Orlando this December. It will be offered through the Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando and is another element of WCI’s community support initiatives.  I don’t know about you, but my…

On Prevention, Covid, and Walking the Earth

There are times when pondering in this blog takes a circuitous route, meandering in thought and occasionally ending up back right where it started. Today is likely one of those days. It is Friday, after all, and there is no better day for a little circular logic. If not circular, it is certainly a “train…

What Kind of Moron Does That???

People in my organization have been strongly suggesting that we start a podcast to discuss whatever is hot in workers’ compensation. Apparently, podcasts are the latest thing, and we, according to the marketing department, should always be doing the latest thing. We have acceded to their knowledge on the subject and are in the process…

WCI is Full Speed Ahead for December

This is a difficult time for companies trying to navigate the conference scene these days. Several conferences have been canceled or converted to virtual events in response to rising Covid counts around the country. People and companies have been reluctant to commit financial resources in the event a planned event does not come off. This…