Mark Walls on Fire in New Mexico

Last week armed men broke in to a marijuana dispensary in Santa Fe, NM, tied up the employees, and stole the inventory of “medicine. More on that in a moment….. Those who know me recognize that I have no shortage of opinions, and that I freely distribute said opinions at any opportune (and perhaps inopportune)…

California Screamin'

The level of discord and controversy over California’s SB863 reforms seems to have reached a cacophonous level. There is no shortage of opinion on the measures and impact this bill will have on workers’ compensation in the state. Depending on who you ask, you may hear that SB863 will “result in $1.4 billion in system…

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Decorum

Last February I wrote an article about a hook up app called “Bang a Professional”. It was a spinoff of an apparently successful Facebook app called “Bang With Friends”, which allows amorous individuals to signify their carnal interest in another without embarrassment. The app only notifies both individuals if the target of your “banging” desire…

Jaberwocky Fitzsimmonsbergstein, We've Got Your Number

Earlier today we released the long anticipated results of our recent Workers' Compensation Social Media Survey Project. Within hours of its release, hundreds of people had submitted requests for the downloadable files.  Now, we didn't ask for much here. We ask that people requesting the files tell us who they are, and who they work…

Taking a Sarasota Gander at Becoming a Blue Goose

I had never heard of the Honorable Order of the Blue Goose, International. I did not know such an organization existed. Yet when I received an invitation to visit with and join a local chapter, I felt oddly drawn towards the concept. You see, the Blue Goose is a fraternal organization for insurance related professionals.…

Filing Your Workers’ Comp Claim with the EEOC

A group of Hispanic custodians in Colorado, one of whom was injured on the job, are claiming they are victims of discrimination. They have filed a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission against the college that employs them, claiming their civil rights have been violated. The nature of the complaints – the alleged violations…

We're Just Looking for a Sign…..

  We get a lot of unique requests here at Many of them are insurance related; people looking for insurance, looking for information on their claim, trying to file a claim, or report fraud somewhere in the country. Many people see us as the “governing body of all things workers' comp”, and the list…

Insuring the Medical Marijuana Industry

Necessity is the mother of invention, they say. I suppose then that it stands to reason, that with the birth of a (quasi) legitimate industry, the need to insure it could not have been far behind. A friend recently pointed out to me the presence of companies actively soliciting the growers and dispensaries of medical…

Florida Proves That (Drug) Money Still Talks

The Florida Legislature has concluded business for this session. Having amassed a small fortune in contributed drug money from the medical community and prescription drug repackagers, our representatives are now returning home to enjoy the fruits of their labor, content with the knowledge that they gave their drug selling benefactors much of what they paid…