David, You Ignorant Slut….

I have appeared on several national “Bloggers Panels” in the last couple years with fellow blogger David Depaolo. I first met David over a decade ago as a friendly competitor, but in recent years, through our blogging activity, have come to know him better and think of him today as simply a friend. We have…

My 2014 New Year's Revolutions for Workers' Comp

Resolutions are for pansies. Every New Year people seem to make their annual resolutions designed to improve their personal health and well being. Most of us are lucky to get just a few days out of them before their battered and broken remnants are hauled away in the first week of the New Year’s trash.…

Merry Happy Happy Chrishanukwanadan: 2013

In 2011 I wrote what was to be my holiday message send off for that particular season. Last year I chose to republish that message, partly because I was woefully behind in my scheduled Christmas gift acquisition plan, but mostly because I could not think of anything better to say than I had the year…

The Story of a Staple and a Screw

I want you to watch this very quick video, before we discuss the story of a staple and a screw. The man in the video you just saw is named Christopher Onesti. He retired from his job as a policeman for the New Jersey Transit Authority at the age of 29. State authorities ruled he…

Workers' Comp Forms Management and Innovation by Understanding Needs

Recently I wrote about “Innovation Through Communication”, and how proper communication was an essential ingredient for innovation within the workers' compensation industry. Another important ingredient, which is an offshoot of effective communication, is understanding the needs that your target audiences have, and what solution would best solve those needs. I had an interesting conversation a…

Fighting the LinkedIn Selfie

What the heck – We’ve recently published articles on how to be an effective vendor at workers’ compensation conferences, and how not to be a drunken, lecherous moron at these same events. I might as well extend my wit and common sense wisdom to improving your LinkedIn profile. Now that we have prevented you from…