The Longest 10 Seconds of Your Life

A story out of Washington State last week reminds us that life is precious, miracles do happen, and lock out tag out was invented for a reason. A man who had climbed inside a commercial wood chipper to clear a blockage was pulled through the machine when a co-worker turned it back on – and…

The Worst Job Ever by Any Measure

I am working on some very significant article projects at the moment. Really groundbreaking stuff. From revelations on MSA’s to groundbreaking thoughts on disability avoidance, I have some very useful articles in the works. Unfortunately for you, this isn’t one of them. I have been laid out sick this week, in a highly unusual second…

Bar Hopping with Lawyers for Children

As a point of clarification, no lawyers will be bar hopping for children. There will be lawyers, and there will be bar hopping, but the purpose will be “for the children” rather than “for” the children. Anything else would be plain creepy. This March the American Bar Association is holding its mid-winter workers’ compensation conference…

Pay No Attention To My Psychotic Personality

I’ll admit it. I have a good sense of humor. People tell me I am funny. I’ve always taken it as a compliment. Until now. Turns out it just means I am a crazy bastard. Science has proven that now. Some stupid study just published in the British Journal of Psychiatry has determined that comedians…

Louisiana's Ounce of Prevention; California's Pound of Cure

I am traveling this week to Louisiana, where I will be the Keynote Speaker Thursday at the 14th Annual Louisiana Workers’ Compensation Educational Conference. While any conference that has both the word “Educational” in the title and me on the agenda seems to have conflicting objectives, it appears the organizers have done a good job…

Overachievers, Pay No Attention to the Man Behind the Curtain

There is an article out today that tells us “high flyers”, or corporate “overachievers”, are at a greater risk of isolation and depression from internet addiction than their slack-a-day couldn't give a rat's ass counterparts. New studies apparently have determined that “Over-achievers are at risk of becoming addicted to the internet because of the pressure…

Firing the Fatties

First off, this is not an article celebrating the recent legalization of recreational marijuana in Colorado. That would be titled “Fire Up the Fatties”. Admittedly, calling people “Fatties” is offensive, even when the author using that term is a doughboy himself. However, that title was more likely to get your attention and draw you in…