OOOOOOOOklahoma, Where Reforms are Causing So Much Pain

Last Thursday the Oklahoma Supreme Court unanimously ruled that a state workers compensation commission established by major reforms last year does not have jurisdiction to adjudicate claims for injuries occurring prior to the commission’s effective date. The decision means that Oklahoma may be running two distinct workers compensation systems for many years to come. It…

Component Medicine: The Medical Team Will See You Now

It was an unmistakable conclusion from the 8 hour Medical Institute program that was part of the IAIABC 2014 Forum two weeks ago.  Across multiple sessions ranging from Opioid abuse to insurance reform; physician dispensing to medical marijuana, one thing was clear. Medicine in this country is headed for an abrupt change, and the way…

It Takes a Legal Village When Massage Parlors Rub Us the Wrong Way

A recent police action resulting in workers’ compensation citations in Azusa, California shows us that, when it comes to investigating massage parlors, it truly takes a legal village. The police department in Azusa had apparently received complaints that some of the massage parlors within its jurisdiction were offering services above and beyond the traditional massage,…

New York Cop on Workers' Comp Gets Buffalo Wings Clipped

Yesterday it was announced that former Buffalo, NY police officer Patrick S. O'Mara, 52, pleaded guilty to wire fraud before Chief U.S. District Judge William M. Skretny. The charge, related to claims made regarding a workers’ compensation case, carries a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison, a $250,000 fine, or both. Meanwhile, comments he…

Return to Work 1, Return to Function 0

It was a lively and bruising discussion, but one well worth having. It occurred during a 3 hour session of the Disability Management and Return to Work Committee at last week's IAIABC forum, and the topic turned to a paper the committee hopes to complete this year. This paper is intended to lay the foundation…