When Beauty's Workers' Comp Booty Is Illegal Looty

In the “you can’t make this crap up” department, we heard the story last week of a beauty pageant contestant in California who has been arrested and charged with workers’ compensation fraud after it was discovered she participated in two beauty pageants while collecting workers’ comp for an injury that prevented her from performing her…

Bob Woodward Discusses Leadership at AASCIF

Using humor and some fairly blunt examples, Washington Post Associated Editor Bob Woodward discussed “Presidential Politics and the Price of Leadership” at the AASCIF 2014 Annual Conference on Tuesday. The conference was held in National Harbor, MD., just outside of Washington, DC.  Woodward reviewed many of the current problems before our country, and juxtaposed them…

Anonymous Letter to SAIF Customers Spells Trouble for the Agency

It came in the mail this morning. It was an anonymous note, explaining that the Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services “Proof of Coverage Search” system was used to identify and locate businesses, within Oregon, that have an active workers' compensation insurance policy with SAIF Corporation. The note emphasized that this is publicly available…