Windy City Bound for NWCDN

This morning finds me headed to Chicago, for yet another seminar produced by the National Workers’ Compensation Defense Network (NWCDN). This year the group reports an expected record attendance, with almost 300 people registered for the event. I’ve written about the NWCDN seminars on numerous occasions. They are taking on a fraternal feel for me,…

My First Ever Breast Retraction

Yesterday I published an article about a young woman who created all manner of sensation by revealing she had undergone a procedure giving her a “third breast”. The announcement was accompanied by pictures and videos, and became viral, being published in many publications, including this blog. My point was that this was an issue of…

Small Pepperoni, Hold the Nuts

As a warning you should know that this is another risqué, adult oriented article, and you should not proceed if you are easily offended by the unvarnished truth. Plus, I’m about to ruin take out pizza for you. Sorry. The world of employment risk would certainly be easier to navigate if we didn’t have to…