Honoring Our Veterans With Wreaths Across America

There are many beautiful places here in Sarasota that I could recommend if you ever visit the area. One spot I just added to the list is the Sarasota National Cemetery. Opened in 2009, and called by many the “Arlington of the South”, it is already the final resting place for more than 8,000 veterans…

Tomorrow is Something You Won't See For Another 90 Years

It’s Friday, the holidays are approaching, and no one in workers’ compensation is really paying attention to anything terribly important. Sounds like a perfect opportunity for my blog. Besides, I could tell you about this next week, but you would have missed it. And I would hate to have that happen. And since website traffic…

Almost Everyone Can Stand Firm with the ABLE Act

There is a bill working its way through the legislative sausage process in Washington, DC that, if successful, will have profound positive impact on millions of people with disabilities. It is not a new layer of complex regulations, or a swath of new dependency inducing benefits. No, it is an opportunity for the government to…