Publisher LexisNexis has issued the fifth annual edition of its book, “Workers’ Compensation Emerging Issues Analysis” covering industry changes and events for the year 2017. This year’s book, as with past versions, is a collection of “expert analysis and commentary.” It reviews current trends and updates for all states across the nation. Once again with…
A 2018 Best Blog Message to my Fellow Workers' Comp Bloggers
Editors Note: This missive ran last year to encourage involvement in the Best Blogs Contest. Because it worked so well then, and because Bob is essentially a lazy good-for-nothing sloth, it runs again this year. It has been updated to reflect current statistics. Greetings, fellow bloggers. I do not know if you are aware of…
Flippy Flops
There has been much written about the advent of artificial intelligence and robotics of late; and the forecast for humankind in the workplace is grim. However, a much-hyped robotic rollout turned troublesome turkey could mean that workers in food service shouldn’t hang up their spatula’s just yet. I regret to report that “Flippy,” the robotic…
What a Difference a Week Makes: Florida's Vastly Improved First Responder PTSD Bill
On March 5th the Florida House passed a bill intended to provide PTSD benefits for first responders. House members voted to approve a recently modified Senate version of the bill, and scrapped (“tabled,” in Parliamentary parlance) a more controversial House Bill version. SB 376, approved by both houses, has now been “enrolled” and is currently…
Workers' Comp Fraud 101: Be Sure to Wipe Your Pumpkin
It is something so basic that I should not have to review it here. Common sense would tell anyone who had, well, common sense, that if you are going to stage a beating on the eve of Halloween in order to collect workers’ comp, you should at least wipe the fingerprints off the fake pumpkin…
Be Comfortable With Your Weaknesses, But Know What a Weakness Is
It is rare to agree with a person’s argument when you completely differ with the underlying example they have employed in making it. That is what happened to me last week during a session at the American Bar Association Mid-Winter Conference on Workers’ Compensation in Nashville. The panel was discussing the important points of settling…
Parkland, Workers' Comp, PTSD and Florida's Screwed Up First Responder Bill
Ok, it is probably time for a little rant. The Florida legislature is currently debating bills (HB 227 in the House and SB 376 in the Senate) that would provide Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) benefits for any first responders who witness or arrive at the scene of any murder, suicide, fatal injury, child death or…
FL Workers' Comp Judicial Nominating Commission Unanimously Recommends Langham Reappointment
The Workers’ Compensation Judicial Nominating Commission this afternoon voted unanimously to recommend David Langham for reappointment to the position of Deputy Chief Judge of the Florida Office of Judges of Compensation Claims. This is good news that I am sure will be welcomed by many. Judge Langham, who has served in this capacity for 17…
Inspirational Leaders May Negatively Influence Health of Employees: My Guys Should Live Forever
A recent study that looked at the relationship between presenteeism, transformational leadership, and the rate of absence related to sickness, has found that “transformational” leaders who “inspire their employees and team members to perform better at work increase the risk of health complications and absence due to illness.” Well, my guys are safe. In fact, they…
Saving Judge Langham
I’ve never written a post like this, and I am violating a couple personal standards in doing so. I willingly violate them for two reasons; 1) to support a man who has earned my deepest respect, and 2) for the Florida workers’ compensation system that continues to need his service and leadership. It came to…