From the Archives: Perhaps a Lack of Awareness, Not Cost Containment, Should Be Employers Biggest Concern

Bob is on vacation this week. This post is from the Cluttered Desk archives, and was originally published on March 20, 2012. _______________________________________________ We’ve all heard the old adage, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. It could be truer nowhere else than in the world of workers’ comp, employment risk and…

A Bit of Speaking, A Bit More Vacation

I’m leaving for two weeks’ vacation next week. It will be the longest vacation I’ve taken since starting this company 19 years ago. I’m not sure I will be able to handle it. I am actually speaking at a couple conferences during that time, but that will only occupy a couple of days during those…

I'm Injured. What Do I Do? An Update

Last week I suggested that a simple, plain language orientation guide for injured workers could be a useful tool for both the industry and the people we serve. As part of my initial thoughts, I laid out a few foundational points and asked for any assistance people would like to provide to help make it a…

I'm Injured. What Do I Do?

I am starting a special project, and I am asking for your help. I attended the IAIABC Spring Forum in Atlanta for a couple days this week before slipping down to San Antonio for the last days of RIMS. My main purpose at IAIABC was to participate as a member of their Disability Management and…

Experts Warn That Life is Leading Cause of Death

It is very difficult keeping up with the latest science on healthy behavior. That is largely because the science on healthy behavior never seems to agree with itself. Everywhere we turn there is news of something that is likely to kill us or make our brains turn to Jell-O. This week we learned that extensive…