For Texas Subrogation, the Devil is in the (Policy) Details

An interesting decision has emerged from the Texas Supreme Court, and I predict there will be a whole lot of workers’ comp insurance policy revision going on in the Lone Star State as a result. The court ruled Friday that a workers’ compensation insurer was not entitled to claim settlement proceeds from an injured worker…

I Hope They Didn't Spank The Monkey

You’d think the damn ICD-10 billing codes would be able to accommodate this, but no. With a bazillion different codes for every possible injury, illness or malady, you would hope someone somewhere would have seen this coming. But they didn’t.  There is not a single, solitary ICD-10 code for Monkey Bite in a Home Depot.…

With Vocational Recovery Project, Washington L&I Returns to Return to Work. The Private Sector Should Pay Attention to Their Results

It was one of the most inspirational presentations I’ve seen in years. They almost sounded surprised at the comments they were making. They were clearly enthusiastic and were describing outcomes of the experiment they were part of, yet they still sounded astonished at what they were conveying. This was clearly something new and unique for…

Does Kansas Pardo Decision Affirm Legislated Disability?

The Kansas Court of Appeals issued a decision last week that could have significant repercussions for the state. Just as importantly, it may also provide a glaring example of why we need to rethink workers’ compensation, strip it to its core and build anew to create a system that proffers a true culture of recovery.…

Ordering Participation Ribbons for the Next Hot Seat Webinar

It seems hard to believe that we are already approaching our fourth Hot Seat Webinar. As many of you know, the Hot Seat was the brainchild of Florida Deputy Chief Judge David Langham and, and was designed to take on important topics for the workers’ comp industry with frank and open discussion. Our next…

Score One for Honey

I received a letter a couple of weeks ago from a person I will not identify. The reason for the anonymity should be relatively apparent when I explain the purpose of the communication. The individual contacting me was accused of a number of felony crimes several years ago. At the time of their arrest, the…

Having Your Properly Decorated Cake and Eating It Too

This post features adult related topics presented with the usual level of decorum and political correctness you have become accustomed to from my Cluttered Desk (in other words, none). If you are easily offended by wayward words and adult oriented topics, please do not proceed. You’ve been warned. A week ago a story went viral…

2018 Best Blog Contest Produces Interesting Results

We announced the winners of our third annual Workers’ Comp Best Blogs Contest yesterday. I was very pleased and humbled to again have this blog included on the list. I want to thank the judges as well as all the people who nominated my “Cluttered Desk” for their support.  Judging criteria for this program includes…