The Medical Billing Shell Game

Recent experiences helping an elderly relative navigate the morass of medical bills accumulated after several medical incidents has convinced me of one thing. Medical billing is largely a shell game, and the losers in that game are the ones most likely unable to endure the exorbitant costs. This relative had some issues that required a…

Hot Seat – What's the Big Deal Regarding the AMA 6th Edition?

The AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, Sixth Edition, has been a pretty hot topic lately. Challenged in multiple states and found unconstitutional in two, it has drawn the ire of plaintiff attorneys and labor leaders, who say it unfairly punishes seriously injured workers, while supporters say it “provides a consistent methodology with…

The Smaller Technology Gets, the Bigger Our Opportunities in Workers' Comp

Three trends in technology are poised to make significant impacts in medical care, and by the nature of our relationship to that industry, in workers’ compensation itself. The continuing advancements in miniaturization, artificial intelligence and robotics will give us unparalleled opportunity to improve care and achieve more satisfactory outcomes.  Eons ago someone, somewhere came up…

Porn Stars and Workplace Scars

Liz Carey wrote an interesting piece on this site Friday showing that, while the state of California regulates the porn industry, there is little actual enforcement of workplace safety laws currently in place. Given recent court decisions in the state, the adult video industry could be a good microcosm in the study of benefits afforded employers by…

Tennessee Workers' Comp Scam Enabled by System Ignorance

The Tennessee Bureau of Workers’ Compensation reported yesterday that a Tennessee woman was almost defrauded by a scammer advising her to wire money in order to receive funds from a federal workers’ compensation program. According to a release from the agency, the victim was contacted by “what appeared to be one of her Facebook friends,” who informed her about…

Kid's Chance of Florida Needs You!

There is an excitement that comes with founding an organization. That is perhaps all the more so when you launch a true innovation. In part because of that excitement, the American economy has evolved over the years to afford entrepreneurs with opportunity but built on a foundation of the experiences, and frankly mistakes, of others.…

Drinking Heavily and Mocking Reporters

People who know me are aware that I have a somewhat significant disdain for many in the mainstream media. This may seem ironic, as the push into expanding our own news services in the last couple years has placed me in the position of serving as a publisher for an outlet that serves thousands of…

The Workers' Recovery Regulator of the Century

There is a new awards/recognition program I would like to announce. It has no winners yet, but it may in the foreseeable future. It will only run once, so it will be easier to manage than things like our annual Best Blogs competition. And it will be a literal game changer for the workers’ compensation…