Nominations Are Open: Will You Comp Laude?

The workers’ compensation industry takes its share of bad news; some of it deserved, and some of it not. However, beyond the din of negativity, good things do happen within this industry. Many of us know of examples of injured workers who, despite horrific injuries and the challenges of resulting impairment, have risen up and…

The Silly Season of Legislative Spring

Well, the new year is here, and spring is just around the corner. We all know what that means. Legislative activity is in full bloom around the nation. Unlike mother nature’s springtime, which brings life, optimism, renewed hope and the promise of new beginnings, the legislative spring is a bit more of a quagmire-ish affair.…

The Week's (Completely) Absurd

As the weekend approaches, we leave workers’ compensation behind for a brief respite. I have to warn you. This week’s collection of absurd stories is not for the faint of heart. This week involves drugs, hot watches, body cavity searches and very strange injections. Proceed at your own risk. When we’re done, you’ll be happy…

Clogging Our Way Out of Plantar Fasciitis

This may be handy information for the folks who handle “repetitive walking” claims from correctional officers of Illinois’ Menard Correctional Center. And since our industry sees its fair share of foot related issues from a variety of jobs that are hard on the feet, this may be useful to a broader group as well. The good news…

Doctor, Respect Thy Patient's Time

In most businesses, routine tardiness and delay is not accepted or expected. Unfortunately, in the medical world, the opposite is often the case. We not only tolerate delays and late appointments when dealing with medical professionals; we practically expect and plan for that very specific inconvenience. Expecting it, however, makes it no less frustrating. I…

When Tech Collides and Robots Die: The Video

I am supposed to be at CES in Las Vegas this week. Colloquially known as the “Consumer Electronics Show,” CES is the largest technology exposition and conference in the world. Last year 189,000 people swarmed sessions and exhibits in 11 Las Vegas locations to catch a glimpse of the technology that will change our lives…