Kids’ Chance of Maryland launched Kids’ Chance Awareness Week Monday in grand style, appearing on a local Baltimore CBS affiliate and singing modified lyrics to the song “Manic Monday”. Kids’ Chance is pushing awareness of their cause the entire week, and this was probably the most visible effort to date in the project.

Kids’ Chance of Maryland President, Tom Phelan, announced that their Governor had declared this week as Kids’ Chance Awreness Week (nice touch, Tom!), and he spoke briefly about the fine work this organization does. Frankly, I haven’t seen Phelan, CEO of Chesapeake Employers Insurance Company, smile this much since the end of the AASCIF conference they hosted two summers ago.

Great work supporting an even greater cause. Congratulations to Kids’ Chance of Maryland for a job well done.

Is your company supporting this cause? Have they placed the decal on their website? Are they getting the word out and supporting the effort? If not, why not?

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