When Tech Collides and Robots Die: The Video

I am supposed to be at CES in Las Vegas this week. Colloquially known as the “Consumer Electronics Show,” CES is the largest technology exposition and conference in the world. Last year 189,000 people swarmed sessions and exhibits in 11 Las Vegas locations to catch a glimpse of the technology that will change our lives…

But Where Would She Holster the Weapon?

Workplace violence is on the rise and is an increasing concern for employers. In an unusual case in Florida (of course), police have potentially stopped what could have been an incident of workplace violence that may have resulted in many casualties.  Or they just nabbed a whack-job that could have randomly gone off anywhere or…

My Predictions for Last Year, How Close Was I?

It is time to review the accuracies of last year’s annual (or occasionally semi-annual) predictions for the future. As per usual, I did not get many things right, but I see no reason for that to discourage me from trying it again. I published my “Top Ten” predictions for 2018 on January 10, 2018. I feel compelled…

What Is an Unintentional Workplace Overdose Death?

One topic in Nancy Grover’s inaugural “5 Things You Need to Know” segment on this website this morning really caught my eye. She writes about the just released Bureau of Labor Statistics report outlining workplace deaths for the year 2017. She reports that there was a 25% increase in “unintentional workplace overdose deaths” that year.…

Farewell, Chairman Sighinolfi

It is one of the least considered factors in any political campaign; at least when it comes to the average voter in any given state. As citizens turn out to the polls to elect their next governor, they are not just selecting a “one man or woman” band. They are choosing a new administration, with…