With Vocational Recovery Project, Washington L&I Returns to Return to Work. The Private Sector Should Pay Attention to Their Results

It was one of the most inspirational presentations I’ve seen in years. They almost sounded surprised at the comments they were making. They were clearly enthusiastic and were describing outcomes of the experiment they were part of, yet they still sounded astonished at what they were conveying. This was clearly something new and unique for…

Does Kansas Pardo Decision Affirm Legislated Disability?

The Kansas Court of Appeals issued a decision last week that could have significant repercussions for the state. Just as importantly, it may also provide a glaring example of why we need to rethink workers’ compensation, strip it to its core and build anew to create a system that proffers a true culture of recovery.…

Ordering Participation Ribbons for the Next Hot Seat Webinar

It seems hard to believe that we are already approaching our fourth Hot Seat Webinar. As many of you know, the Hot Seat was the brainchild of Florida Deputy Chief Judge David Langham and WorkersCompensation.com, and was designed to take on important topics for the workers’ comp industry with frank and open discussion. Our next…