The Workers’ Compensation Judicial Nominating Commission this afternoon voted unanimously to recommend David Langham for reappointment to the position of Deputy Chief Judge of the Florida Office of Judges of Compensation Claims. This is good news that I am sure will be welcomed by many. Judge Langham, who has served in this capacity for 17 years, had faced an objection to his reappointment, as a formal complaint had been filed by a former workers’ comp judge trying to block it.

The nomination now goes to the Governor. While there is no guarantee that he will follow the Commission’s recommendation, it would be unusual for him not to in this case.  

I learned about the challenge to his reappointment Thursday afternoon, and posted a quick story asking for those who know Judge Langham to notify the nominating commission of their support for him. I am not the only one who was working to support this cause. Others in the industry were spreading the word and asking for backing as well.

I suspect the response in favor of Judge Langham was very strong. I heard from numerous people that they had followed through on the call for help, and a good number of them copied me with their submissions. Those letters were all extremely well thought out and reflected very well; not just on the judge, but on the quality of people within our ranks.

It made me very proud to be part of this industry.

I had a couple people thank me for making them aware of what was happening and for doing something to “help David.” I have to tell them, however, that as much as I like and respect David Langham, I did not do it for him. I did it for my state and my neighbors, who deserve to have someone of Langham’s caliber in that position.

I would like to thank the Florida Workers’ Compensation Judicial Nominating Commission, as well as all who reached out to them. I cannot speak for Judge Langham, but I suspect that, humble man that he is, he is overwhelmed with the industry’s show of support.

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