This post will mark a brief departure for me. I normally do not write specifically about the website or company I run, but I am pretty enthused about some changes we are making at; so, what the hell. It’s my blog. I can do with it what I please. And today’s topic pleases me.

We’re making some changes here in the news area. And while most are still in development, some of them have already started showing up.

This morning you will find an article in our CompNewsNetwork News Center entitled “Making Workers’ Compensation Great Again: How will Trump’s Presidency Affect the Industry?” It is authored by Angela Underwood, a new contributing journalist here developing original content for Also this week you may have seen two articles about Florida workers’ compensation; one related to a supplemental report from the FL OJCC, and the other about a legislative discussion panel for issues facing the state’s workers’ compensation system. Those articles, along with another daily feature you might have noticed, the “Five Things You Need to Know” series, were penned by the ever-capable Dara Barney, our new Senior Editor for Premium Media.

All of these are part of a ramp up to a revolutionary News Center coming your way within the next six weeks. We will soon be announcing a new Premium News service for the workers’ compensation industry. We have more journalists lined up and working on content, and you will be seeing these articles appearing on the site in coming days. That, however, is just the beginning. The completely redesigned News Center will be the launching point for the most dramatic site wide redesign we’ve ever undertaken, and we cannot wait to get it rolling.

The new CompNewsNetwork will continue to offer the same state, national and corporate news you have come to expect for more than a decade. My “Cluttered Desk” blog and the trademark compendium Workers’ Comp Blogwire will also remain. What will be new, in addition to a sleek new and intuitive design, will be a “Featured News” section and a new area called “The Experts View”. Featured News will have original news stories and investigative reports concerning the workers’ comp industry and employment risk arena. The Experts View will be original opinion pieces by well-known names in the industry.

It is going to be a huge expansion of timely and original content. It is, in fact, the most expensive single undertaking of a new service my company has made in over a decade. The best part, by far, is that while registration will be required to view some of the content, it will all be free to everyone. We have no intention of charging readers anything for these expanded offerings. 

Critical news and public updates are essential in an industry as prone to daily change as ours is. This has driven us to recognize that expanding our news services is critically important for an information provider such as While our generous advertisers will underwrite much of the cost of this expanded service, we don’t view our news service as a profit center. We do expect it, however, to solidify our position as a leading and reliable source of news and time sensitive information; and that will bolster awareness of other data and compliance oriented products we offer. Ultimately it is the success of these products that is enabling us to pursue these new additions.

And that all makes sense, since we are already the most visited workers’ comp website in the world.

We will have more to announce in the coming days, so please keep watching our site for updates and information.

And thank you for indulging me today.


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