Is Your Workplace Ready for Ebola?

It officially hit our shores last week; the first Ebola patient, a man just back from Africa, was admitted to a Dallas hospital. This was different than the few Ebola cases treated prior in the country. Those arrived on humanitarian flights in specially equipped aircraft with exceptionally trained crews. Medical professionals knew they were coming…

Current and Former SAIF CEO's Apparently Want Out

There was some activity involving current and former SAIF CEO’s this past week. It seems two of them, John Gilkey and Brenda Rocklin, want out of their current situation. Yesterday Interim CEO John Gilkey sent an email to SAIF employees informing them he plans to retire once the new SAIF Board has secured a replacement.…

IAIABC: Making Return to Work Easy Peasy Committee Style

The Disability Management and Return to Work Committee met yesterday at the IAIABC 100th Annual Conference in Austin, TX. As regular readers will know, this committee has been working to develop a policy paper on Return to Work to better foster a consistent RTW process across all jurisdictions. I must say we are moving at…