Rachel Mast's Second Coolest Program of the Day

I received the video embedded below a few weeks ago, just before I was leaving on vacation. I have not had the opportunity to post it until now. It is the uplifting story of the Sporting KC Victory Project. Sporting KC is the Kansas City Professional Soccer team, and the Victory Project is an outreach…

For SAIF Plotkin Saga, the Proof May Be All Thumbs

A comment on my most recent article got me to thinking about how the employees of SAIF, the Oregon State Fund for workers’ compensation, really feel about the termination of their CEO, John Plotkin. It was related to the many responses the articles about his termination have generated on this site. That comment said, and…

Rub a Dub-Dub, State Workers in a (Hot) Tub

I’m pretty certain of one thing. Next time the Ohio Industrial Commission holds a meeting, I want to be invited. At least to the after party. The Ohio Inspector General’s Office says no laws were violated, but four hearing officers created “an appearance of impropriety” by attending a party hosted by two lawyers who represent…

SAIF Employees, Seems Your Board Doesn't Want Your Input

Well, the Oregon DOJ has responded to former SAIF CEO John Plotkin’s requests regarding their proposed Name Clearing Hearing (NCH), and lo and behold, it seems the employees will not be encouraged to attend. You guys will need to speak to the principal to request a hall pass, it would seem. Be sure to have…

Now Ignoring Co-Workers is Worse Than Bullying Them

We thought being harassed by the office bully was bad, but it turns out that overt harassment is better than having him ignore us completely. I can barely keep up with the worst offensive actions of the workplace. I've written about office bullying in the past, but a recent study now indicates that bullying isn't…