Cat Loving Genius Outsources His Own Job

I have to tip my hat to genius when I read about it, even if that genius is not of the highest moral fiber. This is one such case. A software company recently discovered that a home based programmer they employed at a six figure salary had hired someone in China to do his job…

Watching a Roofer Fall in Sarasota

I work out 3 times a week with a trainer in a private gym near my office. I am not a pretentious person, but even though I have a membership at LA Fitness, I prefer the private gym as it affords me the ability to hurl invectives, insults and obscenities at my trainer without offending…

Workers' Comp Industry Social Media Survey Project

Today we are launching the first of two surveys exploring the access and use of social media within the workers' compensation industry. We ask all workers' compensation professionals to take just a few minutes to complete this brief questionnaire. This initial survey is short, and will be followed up in coming weeks with a more…

Bob's Top Ten Conference Call Do's and Don'ts

I don't mean to mislead you. This article is far more about conference call “Don'ts” than it is “Do's”. In fact, when we boil it down, there is only one “Do”. But what is the fun in that? We all know the really good stuff resides in the “Don'ts”. So here goes. I was speaking…

All Atwitter This Week Over Social Media

I wrote recently that I do not often plug our services or products in this blog.  With that in mind I need to ask your indulgence just this once, as I am going to slightly bend that rule. This is going to be a big week for us in the realm of Social Media. In…

Having a Crappy Job to Die For (or Over)

I have no idea what this guy does for a living. Perhaps he is a Whale Feces Researcher.  Or a Fat Farm Fold Inspector. An Elephant vasectomist. Joe Biden's teleprompter operator. Whatever it is, it must be nasty and thankless, as the gentlemen I refer to tried to commit suicide twice in a single commute…

When California Passes the Baton Holder

David Depaolo published an article this morning in his blog discussing “Job Satisfaction and Ability”, where he competently proselytizes his belief that high job satisfaction often equates to fewer disability issues. As he puts it, “happy employees result in much less ‘disability'.” It is a good article, and I don't argue with him, as we…