Let Us Bloggers Run Workers Comp

I learned something at the special blogger session at the National Workers’ Compensation Conference this week. I learned that the 5 of us who were on the panel should just be allowed to run the entire workers’ comp industry, since we apparently know everything there is to know. In reality it would not likely improve…

Leaving Las Vegas

It is 5:00AM, and having just left the National Conference hotel I am at McCarran International. I have safely navigated security, where my friendly TSA agent, a man whose name tag disturbingly reads “Two Finger Lou”, assured me that I am still polyp free. He did say something about eating more roughage, however. I must…

Fourteen Things To Start Your Work Day

Forbes recently offered a well intentioned list of things we all should do to start our workday called “14 Things You Should Do at the Start of Every Work Day”. I thought I would review the list and see how it helped me improve my already stellar performance. Following is my “diary” for the day.…

Strategic Partnerships Rule in an Alliance for Compliance

This week our company will be announcing a new expansion of our WorkCompResearch.com Compliance library with the addition of comprehensive Settlement data for almost all jurisdictions across the country. While we have continually worked to improve and expand the WCR product since its launch in 2007, the real story here is the strategic partnership behind…

Even Stupid Decisions Are Bigger in Texas

If you go to the website www.texasworkerscomplaw.com today, you will be told that it is currently undergoing maintenance, and is not available. That is not entirely a true statement. In fact, it is likely a complete falsehood, albeit an understandable one given the circumstances. The reality is that www.texasworkerscomplaw.com, a blog written by Texas attorney…