An American Bar Association's Winter Conference has been scheduled for March 8 – 10, 2012, in San Antonio, Texas.  It is being sponsored by the Section of Labor and Employment Law (LEL) and the Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section's Workers' Compensation Law Committee (TIPS).

This program, entitled “National Trends and Emerging Issues Affecting Workers' Compensation Laws”, is open to anyone and applicable to all aspects of the work done in the workers' compensation field: claimant and defense attorneys, self insured and insured employers, insurance company executives and adjusters, governmental entities, and medical providers. The discussions will be candid and spirited but always educational!

Topics to be covered include:

  • Natural Disasters and Their Aftermath: Picking up the Pieces
  • Undocumented Workers
  • Veterans Benefits and Federal Workers' Compensation
  • Medical and Legal Causation
  • Social Networking: Investigation and Surveillance in the Technology Age
  • Evolution of the Personal Comfort Doctrine
  • Controversial Diagnosis Cases in Occupational Disease
  • Workers' Compensation Reform
  • Teaching Workers' Compensation in the Law Schools

I am a big fan of San Antonio, and don't need much of an excuse to travel there, but looking through the agenda tells me that this should be an excellent event – making for a definite win-win. I am personally interested in the planned discussions regarding Undocumented Workers, as well as the session scheduled to discuss “Social Networking – Investigation and Surveillance in the Technology Age”.

I have included a copy of the full agenda, which is linked below this article as an attachment.

Advance registration for the conference closes on February 17th. Interested persons may register here.

They have scheduled this conference at a hotel right on the San Antonio Riverwalk, which is where you want to be when visiting that city. Hopefully you will be able to join me in San Antonio. With a strong agenda, Texas hospitality, and a little place on the river that serves killer “Texas sized” Margarita's, how could you go wrong?

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