Wow, it only took 11 years and a lot of trial and tribulation, but I finally got my own area to opine online. I only hope to prove worthy of the effort. Collected here are items I’ve written over the last couple years. Older items, alas, have been lost, or banned by court order – not sure which.

I do have a couple recent posts in the general blogwire that will be moved here eventually, however, since they were just published this week moving them now would create a whole lot of broken links from newsletters just sent out.

I had a good time at the Florida RIMS conference in Naples, and I wrote a bit about two of the sessions. The posts are Florida RIMS: Understanding Cyber Liability, and Florida RIMS: Darrell Brown On Medical Marijuana. Feel free to follow those links, or you will be able to find those articles here in a couple months.

My new posts, which may arrive with the frequency and reliability of a pre-Mussolini train, will reside in this area of our blog. Thanks for indulging me, and I will see you soon (eventually).

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