Sarasota, FL (CompNewsNetwork) – This week we are pleased to announce the launch of our new series, "Workers’ Comp 20/20", which is designed to both forecast where the industry is going, and generate dialogue that will contribute to that process. Essentially we are asking, "What will the workers’ compensation industry look like in 10 years, in the year 2020"? There are many factors that will combine to formulate the final answer. From health care reform to technology; from bad economies to an aging workforce, the future essentially remains unknown. But with proper analysis, effective planning and cautious preparation we can draw an idea of what is ahead, and what changes we can and should be prepared to confront. With that in mind, we have gathered a number of professionals to give us their opinions in the coming months, as we take an in depth look at what they expect our future to be.

This is intended to be more than a simple series of articles. Our goal, as stated earlier, is to generate a dialogue in the community. A dialogue that can help interpret, as well as influence, the direction and scope of the industry in which we serve.  Feel free to leave your thoughts on not only this article, but on those that follow in the coming months. Your feedback will be crucial as we assess the information presented here.

This entire project was conceived from a question I received during a meeting in Philadelphia last year. I traveled the country extensively in 2009, meeting with top executives of some of the biggest players in the industry. One of my goals from these meetings was to get a better feel for the needs of the industry, and to use that information for the development of a comprehensive five year plan for my own company, While discussing this with an executive of a large insurance company that day, he looked across the table at me and said “Why don't you just ask the people on your website?” It was, as I can best describe it, a major “duh” moment for me. I immediately knew he had a point, and as far as I was concerned he had scored a direct hit right between the eyes. serves almost 100,000,000 web pages to around 6 million unique visitors a year. We have been a major information source for the industry for over a decade. But that day in Philly it dawned on me that as much as we have become accustomed to relaying information, we have never really tried to ask for any in return. We had not made an effort to actively seek and integrate external feedback from our site visitors. We had not provided an opportunity to let the people we serve speak, and to incorporate their opinions as part of the news process. That changes today.

America, we need to talk.

In the coming months we will be presenting a variety of articles from some of the industry's best known professionals, looking at the projected paths of many segments within the industry. That, however, is only part of what this series is about. The other critical component is you – and your valued opinion. We encourage you to participate in a number of ways. This system has a comment utility. We ask you to use it. LinkedIn users can provide input via Mark Walls' Work Comp Analysis Group. Finally, you can email your comments to 2020 at Your feed back will be analyzed and compiled, and will become part of this ongoing series.

Join us as we look into Workers' Comp 20/20. After all, it's a vision thing……

You may read more articles for the 20/20 series here.


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