Sarasota, FL – First, I will acknowledge this post has nothing to do with workers' compensation. If the subject of this post fell during his event, it surely could have been, but fortunately that did not occur. As you may or may not be aware, is based in beautiful Sarasota, Florida, on the Gulf of Mexico about an hour south of Tampa. Sarasota has, among other things, a long history with the circus, having been the winter home of the Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Circus for many years. Although the circus has long departed, many famous circus families remain in the area. This morning, 31 year old Nik Wallenda, of the famed trapeze and high wire family, performed a 15 minute skywalk in Sarasota, 235 feet in the air between the Waterside Condos and the Sarasota Ritz Carlton. The 600 foot walk was to promote the annual Circus Sarasota, which opens soon in the area. (An excellent show by the way. The presence of so much talent, including the Wallenda family, gives this circus an outstanding reputation.) At any rate, our offices happen to be directly across the street from the Ritz Carlton, and our second floor location gave us one of the best seats in the house for this event. Since we weren't getting any work done, we thought we'd record the event for all to see. It is an impressive performance (by a man with an obvious death wish). We've edited it down to 7 minutes, but we happily present how we spent our morning today.

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